Thursday, May 19, 2011

An Education in the Great Outdoors!

What do you remember about these sights from our trip?

What was your favourite moment of that day?


  1. kyla
    the outdoor ed trip was AWESOME we learned alot!!!!!!

  2. Gurjot

    We went to the outdoor ed in the great outdoors and we saw many animals like squirels, a deer, a drangon fly, a robin , a chicka deedee and a deer track. we also so saw some plants and the ones we saw were thye garlic stunk weed , a big tree with roots that come out of the ground. We also saw a trilliums and we saw a snake atleast rayane did. we had a bunch of fun at the outdoor ed centure and those thing we saw in the scavenger and we saw much more. We had fun too .

  3. Marie.
    my favorit moment was when we were going to see
    skunk cabbige

  4. what my favourite prat is seeing a tree that has rots that you can see at the frunt of it

  5. Quinton The out door education center was great we saw a lot of diffrent plants and weeds there was a lot of birds to we saw a deer to there was a ditch at the side of the path there aws four teams the first one was trilliuns secend there was poisonive thried was dandelions forth was maple leavs it was the best trip ever we saw the national flower of ontario the trilliunsit has three petills and the petills where white we saw all of this stuff in the forest we did a lot of walking I was tierd the teacher showed us evrey thing about plants it was very quite in the forest I almost fell in the dich it was very wet to and mudy.

  6. what i liked about the trip is that i showthe little flowers.
